Emergency Management IT
Meet disaster head-on
During an emergency, everything depends on having the right state-of-the art Information Technology Solutions and Collaboration tools.
Be it a national crisis or a natural disaster, you need real, usable solutions for real catastrophes. TRILLION brings wealth of experience in all facets of disaster management. Business process re-engineering, architecture, design, development, testing of mission critical systems with agility and automation – that’s our forte.
We delivered critical IT solutions in support of major hurricanes such as Katrina, Sandy, and Mathew as well as the COVID-19 pandemic. We assisted disaster managers in operationalizing mission critical IT systems for Situational Awareness, Logistics Management, Disaster/Non-Disaster Grants Management, Financial Management, and Identity Management. Leveraging cloud computing to handle disaster surge needs, incorporation of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning algorithms to prevent fraud, and providing cross-platform mobile solutions are a few Disaster Management examples pioneered by TRILLION.
TRILLION supports all verticals of emergency management including the prevention of, preparedness for, response to, recovery with, and mitigation of national disasters. From development and creation to deployment and sustaintainment, our breadth of experience spans every imaginable branch of federal emergency management.
Prepare. Respond. Recover.
Within those numerous federal emergency management agencies we have modernized and continue to support multiple programs and systems, including:
- Integrated Public Alert & Warning
- National Incident Management
- Disaster Assistance
- Integrated Financial Management Information
- Grants Systems – Individual Assistance and Non-disaster Grants
- Emergency Management
- National Emergency Management Information
- Security management and single sign-on
- Engineering and operations support